Year Erected: 1958
Marker Text: Federal siege operations not only involved the encircling line of Atlanta's defenses, but threatened the 2 railroads S.W. of the city. Pursuant thereto, Federal forces, after the Battle of Ezra Church, were shifted S. only to be confronted by a line of Confederate works W. of and parallel to the railroads.
Blocking the southward drift, Bate's division of Hardee's A.C. [CS] was posted on a ridge W. of the main line & S. of Sandtown Rd. Aug. 6, 1864. Cox's division, 23d A.C. [US], moving from N. of the rd., vainly attempted to dislodge Bate, who withdrew only when outflanked by Hascall's div. Cascade Avenue was the old Sandtown Road.
Tips for Finding This Marker: On Cascade Avenue, just east of Woodland Terrace in Atlanta