Marker Text: This church, organized September 28, 1858, with two men and five women as charter members, is the oldest church in Terrell County on its original site. Three acres of land were given by Haley Johnson of Dawson. Later, Sharpe and Crouch of Dawson gave an additional acre. The church building was under construction at the time of organization.
Elder William Hubbard was the first pastor of this church and served during the War Between the States, 1861-1865. Elder J.J. Davis was pastor after the war until his death in 1875. Other pastors include: Elders Elijah Blackshear, W. T. Everett, R. H. Jennings, S. H. Whatley, A. R. Crumpton, V. F. Agan, J. H. Chapman, George R. Daniels, W. E. Price, F. Arthur DeVane. Deacons include Joel Harrell, Wm. Jennings, J. E. Boseman, J. J. Adams, M. E. Jennings, R. S. Everett, W. R. Garrett, George D. Jennings, J. L. Hudson. Clerks, since organization, have been William Hubbard, J. T. Boseman, J. H. Pierce, R. H. Jennings, J. L. Adams, Miles Blackshear, James H. Kennedy, Floyd Jennings, J. B. Brim, R. E. L. Hammond, George D. Jennings, Mrs. Marian J. Agan, Mrs. Myra Daniels, and Henry S. Jennings.