James Foster House, Old Burnt Hickory Road

Image Credit: Larry Vogel

Year Erected: 1985

Marker Text: On June 2, 1864 pressure on right of Johnston's line [CS] by 23rd A. C. [US] forced the rt. of Hardee's Corps [CS] E. of the Dallas - Acworth road, enabling Schofield [US] to gain a position near the Foster House. Failing to get promised support from the 20th A. C. [US], Schofield was unable to pursue his advantage and night found Hardee's forces still holding the rt. of the line.

This movement was in line with the Fed. drive to outflank Johnston and force his withdrawal E. to the R. R. Heavy rains began and continued until June 19.

Tips for Finding This Site: Burnt Hickory Rd at County Line Rd in Acworth.