Year Erected: 1952
Marker Text: Home of Andrew J. Cheney (1815-86)
-- Built about 1856 --
Hdqrs., Maj. Gen. John M. Schofield, Commanding Army of the Ohio [US] -- rt. wing of Sherman's forces on the Kennesaw front, June 22-30, 1864, while directing flanking march of 23d A.C. [US] S. on the Sandtown Road.
Cox's 3d Div. camped here & supported Hascall's 2d Div. [US] near the McAdoo house in Battle of Kolb's Farm.
Sherman inspected rt. of Kennesaw line [US] here, June 23 & 25.
Tips for Finding This Site: Powder Springs Rd at Bankstone Dr at Chaney House near Marietta.