Year Erected: 1960
Marker Text: On this tract of twenty acres was built the Statehouse, the original wing of which was completed in 1811. Later additions were made until 1835 when it was finished in its present form. Near the Statehouse stood the Arsenal and the Magazine, brick structures which were destroyed by General W.T. Sherman in 1864.
On this corner in 1860 stood the public market where slaves were sold and local sentences were executed. Just east of this point, facing Greene Street, stood the Presbyterian Church. The Methodist Church was located next to it and finally the Baptist Church was situated near the northeast corner of this square. All were small but of classic design. Directly across Greene Street from this point (North) stood Newell's Hall containing a civic auditorium. This building was used as a Confederate hospital in 1864. Across Wayne Street from this point (West) stood the McComb House, a popular legislator's hostelry. Henry Clay once spoke from its balcony.