Year Erected: 1954
Marker Text: During the march of Lt. Gen. Hood's army N. from Palmetto, Stewart's A. C., & Armstrong's cav. [CS] were sent from Lost Mtn., Oct. 3, 1864 to destroy the State R. R. at Big Shanty.
Featherston's brigade, Loring's div., [CS] captured the Federal garrison (detachments, 14th & 15th Ill., 4th div., 17th A. C.) posted in the stockaded Lacy Hotel. Walthall's & Loring's divs. were sent to seize the stockades at Moon's Station & Acworth, 2 & 6 mi. N. French's div. [CS] was sent North eleven miles to engage in one of the most noted battles along the State R. R. - Allatoona, Oct. 5, 1864.
Tips for Finding This Marker: On Main Street, north of Cherokee Street in Kennesaw.