Stilesboro-Sandtown Crossroads

Year Erected: 1953

Marker Text: From this vicinity was launched the 1st attacks by Sherman's forces [US] on Johnston's Kennesaw lines [CS], after withdrawal of both armies from Paulding County.

June 6, 1864. 20th A. C. [US] occupied E-W line on Stilesboro Rd. (facing S.,) extending 1 mi. E. Old Mt. Olivet Ch. stood .25 mi. E; it was burned the same day.

June 9. Cox's Div. (23d A. C.) [US] took position W. along Stilesboro Rd., connecting with Hascall's Div. [US] astride Burnt Hickory rd. The objective of Federal forces was Hardee's A. C. [CS] from Gilgal Ch. to Pine Mtn.

Tips for Finding This Marker: At the intersection of Stilesboro and Acworth Due West Roads in Kennesaw.