Spalding Grays

Year Erected: 1956

Marker Text: The Spalding Grays, as Co. D. 2nd Batt. Inf., was the first military unit from Spalding County to be mustered into the Confederate Army. It was followed by 8 regular and several militia companies. The Spalding Grays have continued through the years as a unit of the Ga. Nat. Guard, serving in war and peace, military and civil emergencies. Today it is Co. C. 48th Reconnaissance Batt., 48th Armored Div., Ga. Nat. Guard, whose headquarters are in this modern armory, completed in 1956. The only earlier military company from the county was the Fannin Avengers which served in the Mexican War and has long since passed from existence.

Tips for Finding This Marker: On US 19 in Griffin.