Wheeler’s Cav. Intrenched

Year Erected: 1956Wheeler's Cavalary Intrenched

Marker Text: July 20, 1864. Wheeler's thin gray line of dismounted cavalry [CS] was the rt. flank of Atlanta's defenders. Forced W. from Clay St. in the afternoon by Blair's 17th A.C., [US] Wheeler's line ran S. from the Ga. R.R. to this hill.

July 21. Before dawn, Wheeler was replaced by Cleburne's div. (Hardee's A.C.) [CS] which was shifted from Peachtree Cr. battlefield to meet the advance of the Federals from Decatur.

Blair's 17th A.C., resuming the offensive, made its main attack upon the hill. Leggett's div. of the 17th forced Cleburne's withdrawal -- thereby gaining a point on Atlanta's outer defenses -- the eminence known as Leggett's Hill.

Tips for Finding This Marker: At the intersection of Moreland Avenue and I-20 in Atlanta.