Marker Text: May 16, 1864. Johnston's forces [CS] withdrew from Resaca via pontoon, R. R. & trestle bridges over the Oostanaula River.
The 4th & two divs. of the 14th Corps [US] rebuilt 2 bridges which had been burned & followed the retreating Confederates S., along R. R. and highway. Davis' (2d) Div., 14th A. C.[US] moved W. of R. to Rome.
The 20th & two divs. of 23d A.C. [US] moved E. to Fites Ferry, Conasauga R., enroute to Coosawattee R. crossings -- McClure's Ferry & the one at Fields Mill. Army of the Tenn. [US] crossed Oostanaula R. at Lay's Ferry near Snake Cr., 6 mi. S. W.
Tips for Finding This Marker: At the intersection of US 41 and GA 136 in Resaca