This week GHS is commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Allied invasion of France on June 6, 1944, known as D-Day or Operation Overlord. Using materials from the GHS Research Center and historical markers, GHS will explore Georgia’s involvement in World War II. To learn more, read the post below.

World War II brought women into the workforce in record numbers, including a young woman from Athens named Evelyn “Lois” Dozier. During the war, Dozier sent and received letters from men and women in military service, and she published a monthly newsletter, Letters from Lois, about these soldiers. The Atlanta Journal published her popular column, “The Boys Write Home.” Dozier, whose Georgia Press Association name badge is shown here, also wrote for the Newnan Herald, and the Cobb County Times. She served for ten years as assistant editor and advertising manager of The Coca Cola Bottler in Atlanta, the company magazine for the Coca Cola Company. The war was a turning point for the country—and for one young woman who symbolizes the changing gender roles in the workplace that transformed American economic and social life.