Create Your Own Georgia Historical Marker!

Roadside historical markers can be found throughout the State of Georgia. Erected over the past seventy years, Georgia's markers reflect a variety of topics as well as a variety of authors. Typically around 130 words (excluding titles and "erected by" language) markers allow visitors and residents to learn about a person, place, or event that helped shape Georgia's history.

Follow the four steps below and download the accompanying worksheet to research and create your very own historical marker!

Step One: Pick a topic to research. Examples of historical markers can be found on GHS’s online historical marker database. Users can search by subject, time period, location, and more.

Step Two: Think about how you will conduct your research. What kinds of sources (documents, books, websites, etc.) will you use? How will you access this information you need? Is the information from a primary or secondary source? To learn more about primary sources, please follow this link.

Step Three: Conduct your research and complete the research documentation worksheet available through the link following the instructions.

Step Four: Analyze your research and propose your own historical marker by following these guidelines:

  • Construct historical marker text so that it explains the “who, what, when, where, and why” in chronological order. The narrative should also explain the subject’s historical significance.
  • Each point in the historical narrative should be confirmed by sources cited in your research document.
  • Propose historical marker text that is 130 words or less. This does not include titles and the “erected by” language (the organizations that created the marker).

  • Share your historical marker with us! Tag us on social media so we can see your creations.

Click here to access a PDF of the worksheet.