Columbus, GA, August 28, 2024—On Wednesday, August 28, 2024, the Georgia Historical Society (GHS) unveiled a new historical marker in Columbus as part of the Georgia Business History Initiative. Dedicated in partnership with Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, the marker shares the history of Anthem’s Georgia Plan and its significance to Georgia’s economic history.
“The Georgia Historical Society is pleased to recognize Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia as an iconic representative of the industry in this state,” said Dr. W. Todd Groce, GHS President and CEO. “For nearly 90 years this company has played a key role in the growth and delivery of medical insurance, leaving an indelible imprint on the history of Georgia and the nation.”
Each year GHS selects iconic companies in our state to be honored through the Georgia Business History Initiative. By showcasing companies like Anthem, GHS seeks to teach Georgia students, citizens, and tourists alike about the pivotal role of Georgia’s leading businesses in the economic, cultural, and social development of Georgia and the United States. Each honoree receives a historical marker, and GHS also develops educational materials to enrich student understanding of the businesses that built Georgia. The resources are available on the GHS website, free to educators, parents, and students across the state.
"Eighty-seven years ago, a health plan was created in Georgia with a specific focus on service for our members,” said Robert Bunch, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia President. “Today, we celebrate the dedication to customer service made by our founders and look forward to many more years of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield supporting Georgians as the largest health insurance provider in the state."
Conducting business today as Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, the corporation has a long history of providing services to the citizens of Georgia. In 1937, the Blue Cross Plan got its start in the state as an outgrowth of New Deal programs being implemented throughout the nation. It began as three distinct Blue Cross plans supporting patient access to hospital services. The first policy, called the Atlanta Plan, cost twelve dollars per year, and all subscribers had to reside within a 50-mile radius of Georgia’s capital city. The success of the Atlanta Plan led to the establishment of the Savannah Plan in 1939 and the Columbus Plan in 1947. In 1966, the Savannah and Columbus Plans merged. By 1985, the Columbus and Atlanta Plans combined, becoming Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia. Today, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Georgia is the largest health insurance company in the state.
The marker dedication took place at the Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield offices in Columbus. Speakers included Dr. W. Todd Groce, President and CEO, Georgia Historical Society; The Honorable Calvin Smyre, former State Representative of Georgia; Robert Bunch, President and CEO, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia; and 29+ Year Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Associate Kellie Murphy, Staff Vice President, Operations and Account Support.

The marker text reads:
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
In 1929, Texas educator Justin Kimball developed hospital prepayment plans for teachers. Inspired by Kimball’s program, the American Hospital Association soon encouraged the sale of “Blue Cross” hospital prepayment plans nationwide. After the passage of Georgia’s Group Hospitalization Act in 1937, five Atlanta hospitals established the United Hospitals Service Association of Atlanta and sold Blue Cross plans to city residents. In 1947, the West Georgia Medical Association began offering Blue Cross plans to Columbus residents. “Blue Shield” plans, physician prepayment services, were added in the 1950s. By 1975, both the Atlanta and Columbus plans included hospital and physician coverage. The Atlanta and Columbus plans merged, becoming Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia in 1985. Today, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia is the largest health insurance company in the state.
Erected by the Georgia Historical Society
and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
For more information about the Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield historical marker dedication, the Georgia Business History Initiative, or the Georgia Historical Society marker program, please contact Elyse Butler, Manager of Programs and Special Projects, at 912.651.2125, ext. 119, or by email at ebutler@georgiahistory.com.
The Georgia Historical Society (GHS) is the premier independent statewide institution responsible for collecting, examining, and teaching Georgia history. GHS houses the oldest and most distinguished collection of materials related exclusively to Georgia history in the nation.
To learn more visit georgiahistory.com.
The Georgia Historical Marker Program is an important part of the Georgia Historical Society’s (GHS) statewide educational mission. Through a public-private partnership with the State of Georgia, GHS is responsible for erecting new historical markers and maintaining more than 2,000 markers installed by the State prior to the program’s privatization in 1998. Online mapping tools allow users to explore themed marker trails and design custom driving routes. Visit georgiahistory.com for more ways to use Georgia’s historical markers and experience history where it happened.
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthcare Plan of Georgia, Inc., an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Additional information about Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is available at www.anthem.com.