Savannah, GA, December 30, 2024—The Georgia Historical Society (GHS) is saddened by the loss of Jimmy Carter, a great humanitarian and statesman.
As the only U.S. President from Georgia, Carter embodied the noble traditions of the founders of Georgia, Non Sibi Sed Aliis, “Not for Self, but for Others.” His service in the United States Navy and the Georgia legislature, as 76th Governor of Georgia, 39th President of the United States, diplomat, peacemaker, humanitarian, and Sunday School teacher, embody all that is good and noble about the people of Georgia.
“President Carter’s selfless service to his fellow man throughout a long and distinguished life was an example for all of us,” said W. Todd Groce, GHS President and CEO. “He will be remembered as a great leader and a man of integrity who always did his duty and left the world a better place.”
The Georgia Historical Society offers its condolences to his family and friends.
Jimmy Carter’s influence on world events and on everyday life for Georgians can be witnessed through primary source materials in the Georgia Historical Society’s collection. The collection holds photographs, campaign memorabilia, correspondence, and official documents, from Carter and others in his administration. Users can research materials at the GHS Research Center in Savannah or browse materials in the online catalog.
The Georgia Historical Society (GHS) is the premier independent statewide institution responsible for collecting, examining, and teaching Georgia history. GHS houses the oldest and most distinguished collection of materials related exclusively to Georgia history in the nation.
To learn more visit georgiahistory.com.