Year Erected: 1958
Marker Text: July 28, 1864. Brown's & Clayton's divs., Lee's Corps [CS] led off the attack on the 15th corps [US] posted some four hundred yards N. of this rd. Brown's brigades: Johnston's, Sharp's & Brantly's, were deployed W. of the cemetery Gate House -- Manigualt's in reserve. Clayton's brigades: Gibson's, Holtzsclaw's and Baker's were posted E. of the Gate House (along West View Drive). Brown's troops crossed the rd. & astride the present Anderson Ave., pressed up to the Fed. lines beyond the R.R. cut. Clayton's brigades struck the salient at Laurel & Archer. These attacks failed to dislodge the 15th corps.
Tips for Finding This Marker: At the intersection of Martin Luther King Jr. Drive and Helena Street in Atlanta