Battle of Resaca (Gordon County)

Image Credit: David Seibert

Year Erected: 1953

Marker Text: May 13, 1864, McPherson's 15th and 16th A. C. [US] moving from Snake Creek Gap reached this cross-roads where his forces were deployed for advance toward Camp Cr.

Gen. Judson Kilpatrick's Cav. Div. [US] led advance; during a sharp engagement he was wounded by skirmishers of Polk's Corp [CS].

Night found the 20th, 14th & 23d Corps [US] N. on Dalton-Calhoun road, & by noon May 14th, Federal forces W. of Resaca were deployed on ridges parallel to & overlooking Camp Creek. The battle began 2.5 mi. N. by attacks on left of Hood's & right of Hardee's lines [CS].

Tips for Finding This Marker: At the intersection of Hall Memorial and Hall Roads in Resaca