Year Erected: 1953
Marker Text: May 13, 1864. The 15th and the 16th A.C. [US] deployed astride road on ridges W. of those next to & this side of Camp Creek, where Polk's Corps [CS] was posted.
May 14: The 15th & 16th A.C. drove Polk's troops across creek from this ridge and occupied it. Polk established a line on a chain of hills just E. of creek.
5:30 pm: the 15th & Veatch's (4th) Div. 16th A.C. [US] moved across creek & carried Polk's position, holding it against repeated attempts to regain it. Polk withdrew E. to a line near the Dalton-Resaca road (U.S. Highway 41).
Tips for Finding This Marker: On Resaca Lafayette Road, west of I-75 in Resaca