Battle of Resaca (Whitfield County)

Year Erected: 1997

Marker Text: May 14, 1864: The 20th Corps [US] was shifted from Camp Creek Valley, 0.5 mi. W. & aligned across rd.~ the 2d & 3d Divs. in reserve; the 1st Div. prolonging Stanley's Div. (4th A.C.) [US] to the State R.R., east.

May 15: Butterfield's (3d) & Geary's (2d) Divs. of 20th A.C., [US] astride rd., moved in assault on Hood's line [CS] 0.7 mi. S. in an attempt to break through.

Butterfield, W. of the rd. led off, followed by Geary, E. of the rd., 6 brigades in all. They failed to break Hood's line, [CS] but seized & removed the 4 guns of Corput's Cherokee Battery [CS].

Tips for Finding This Marker: At the intersection of US 41 and Old Dixie Highway in Resaca