Marker Text: July 4, 1864. Early a.m., Brig. Gen. John Fuller's brigade, 4th div., 16th A. C. [US] moved 1 mi. E. from the Nickajack Cr. Bridge, Concord Rd., to ascertain the strength of Hood's A. C. [CS]. Finding it strongly posted, Fuller returned to Ruff's Mill. Late p.m., Fuller's men again advanced, supported by Sweeney's 2nd div., and after a bitter struggle seized the first line of works on Hood's rt. near the present Gann Cemetery.
This Federal assault on Johnston's left & the one at Smyrna on his rt. were incidental to his retreat from Kennesaw to the river. Col. Edward Noyes, 39th O.V.V.I. (Governor of Ohio 1872-1874), lost a leg in this battle.
Tips for Finding This Marker: On Concord Road, south of East-West Connector in Smyrna.