Berrien County

Year Erected: 1955

Marker Text: Berrien County, created by an act of the Georgia General Assembly on February 25, 1856, was named for John Macpherson Berrien, “the American Cicero.” Born on August 23, 1781, and died January 1, 1856, he was Judge of the Eastern Circuit, US Senator, and US Attorney General. The county seat, Nashville, was named for General Francis Nash of the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War. The first county officers, commissioned on April 21, 1856, were Sheriff John Studstill, Clerk of Courts Richard A. Peeples, Tax Receiver John A. Money, Tax Collector John M. Futch, Coroner James Dobson, Surveyor Seaborn J. Bradford, and Ordinary John Lindsey.

Re-erected by the Georgia Historical Society in 2024

Tips for Finding This Marker: At the county courthouse in Nashville.