Big Spring Park

Image Credit: AT&T Pioneers

Year Erected: 1956

Marker Text: Asa Prior, born in Virginia about 1785, pioneered into this valley and purchased a large tract of land including this spring and Cedar Creek in 1834. In 1852 he deeded the spring and 10 adjacent acres to the City of Cedartown. Another pioneer, Mr. Walthall, established the Walthall Indian Trading Post near the spring. Peace-loving Cherokees gathered here. Indian young people danced their corn dance under the cedar trees. The Cedar Valley Garden Club beautified this park. A shrine was dedicated to the memory of Sen. William Julius Harris, whose funeral was held in the park, April 21, 1932.

Tips for Finding This Site: Located at the intersection of Wissahickon Avenue and Essex Avenue in Cedartown.