Cavalry Skirmish at Bear Creek Station

Year Erected: 1957

Marker Text: On November 16, 1864, Murray's brigade of Kilpatrick's cavalry [US] struck the advance of Iverson's cavalry [CS] at Lovejoy's Station, 4 miles North and drove it south to Bear Creek Station (Hampton), 1 mi. E, where Iverson halted to reform his smaller command.

At noon, Atkins' brigade took the lead. Upon his approach, Iverson posted his men hastily behind light rail barricades; but Atkins charged with the 10th Ohio Cavalry in advance, broke through the flimsy defenses, captured 20 prisoners, and drove Iverson toward Griffin (11 mi. S).

Tips for Finding This Marker: On US 19, just south of Woosley Road in Hampton.