Year Erected: 1956
Marker Text: Clayton County was created by Act of Nov. 30, 1858 from Fayette and Henry Counties. It was named for Augustine Smith Clayton, born at Fredericksburg, Va., Nov. 27, 1783, who moved to Georgia before 1800. A graduate of the U. of Ga., he was a lawyer, legislator, judge. During two terms in Congress he opposed tariff and U.S. bank measures. He died in Athens, June 21, 1839. First officers of Clayton County, commissioned Jan. 13, 1859, were: Robert K. Holliday, Clk. Sup. Ct.; A.J. Hayes, Clk. Inf. Ct.; James McConnell, Ord; William Gunter, Tax Rec.; Jefferson Kirkland, Tax Col.; B.W. Bonner, Surveyor; John K. Landers, Coroner; J.H. Waldrop, Sheriff.
Tips for Finding This Marker: At the old county courthouse in Jonesboro.