Marker Text: In 1785, following the Revolutionary War, pioneers from North Carolina – including the Hendons, Hartsfields, Standifers, Johnsons, Lawrences, and Olives – settled near Big Cloud's Creek on the Georgia frontier near the Creek and Cherokee nations. Olive's Fort was soon constructed and Cloud's Creek Baptist Church was constituted within its walls in 1788. The church was later moved 2.5 miles south to its present location on land deeded by Thomas Hendon in 1798. The second and current sanctuary on the new site was constructed in 1909, and continues in use today.
Erected by the Georgia Historical Society, Cloud's Creek Baptist Church, Descendants of Robinson and Elizabeth Hartfield Hendon, and Historical Oglethorpe County, Inc.
Tips for Finding This Marker: On Cloud's Creek Road, north of Bowen Farm in Crawford