Felton Home

Year Erected: 1953

Marker Text: Dr. William H. Felton and his wife, Rebecca Latimer Felton, lived from 1853 until 1905 in a now-demolished house east of this marker. As a physician, minister, and noted orator, William Felton was an Independent Democrat, loosely identifying with the ideals of the State Democratic Party, and he won three Congressional campaigns throughout the 1870s. Rebecca Felton's appointment in 1922, at the age of 87, as the first woman US Senator climaxed a long career in which she had gained wide recognition as an author and newspaper columnist with outspoken views against African Americans while fiercely advocating for feminist causes such as temperance, suffrage, education, and prison reform.

Re-erected in 2024 by the Georgia Historical Society

Tips for Finding this Marker: At the intersection of GA 61 and Old Tennessee Road in Cartersville