Green Plantation

Green PlantationYear Erected: 1963

Marker Text: Polk's Corps [CS] having held the sector centering on Lost Mountain, June 5-9, was withdrawn E., leaving Gen. W.H. Jackson's Cav. Div. [CS] to hold the vacated line.

On the 17th, Johnston [CS] shifted his left flank E. to Mud Creek; during this withdrawal, Ross' Brigade [CS] of Jackson's Cav. fought a spirited action from the hill W. of the Widow (Piety M.) Green house, which was used as a hospital.

Ross' Texas Brigade held the position until forced to retreat by Hascall's (2d) Div., 23d Corps [US], which had seized Lost Mountain that morning.

Tips for Finding This Marker: At the intersection of GA 120 and Casteel Road in Marietta.