Marker Text: Sept. 1, 1864. The withdrawal of S. D. Lee's A. C. toward Atlanta left Hardee facing the same Federal forces of the preceding day. To meet an attack on his rt., he shifted Cleburne's & Carter's divs. [CS] to an extended line forming a salient angle (north of the Warren house) with one from the east side of the railroad. The attack by Davis' 14th A. C. [US] at the salient drove Govan's brigade to a 2d position where the massed forces of Hardee withstood not only the 14th but Stanley's 4th (which moved in E. of the R. R.) till night ended the battle & enabled Hardee to withdraw to Lovejoy's.
Tips for Finding This Marker: On GA 54, between Adamson and West Mimosa Drives in Jonesboro.