Hazen’s Division at the Canoochee River

Hazen's Division at the Canoochee RiverYear Erected: 1959

Marker Text: On Dec. 6, 1864, The 15th Corps [US], Maj. Gen. P. J. Osterhaus, [US], the extreme right of Gen. Sherman's army on its destructive March to the Sea, camped near Jenk's Bridge, on Great Ogeechee River east of Blichton. On the 7th, Oliver's brigade of Hazen's division was sent down the west bank of the Ogeechee to seize the bridge over Canoochee River, two miles southeast of Bryan Court House (Eden) (Clyde) and one-half mile northwest of this point. From Black Creek to the Canoochee, the advance was resisted by Confederate cavalry. After skirmishing most of the way, Oliver reached the bridge only to find it in flames and the south bank held by infantry and artillery [CS] under Col. John C. Fizer. The position being naturally strong, with swamps along the river, Oliver withdrew to Bryan Court House to await Hazen's arrival.

On the 8th, Hazen reach Bryan Court House accompanied by Gen. Osterhaus and supported by Woods' division, which was posted near Fort Argyle on the Ogeechee. Learning of an abandoned ferry site downstream from the bridge, Hazen sent a party across during the night, flanked the position at the bridge, and forced the defenders to fall back toward "Cross Roads" (Richmond Hill). At dawn, the bridge was repaired and two brigades crossed. One moved to Station No. 2 (Way's), the other to Station No. 3 (Fleming), to break the Savannah and Gulf (ACL) Railroad at those points.

Tips for Finding This Marker: On GA 144, west of I-95 in Fort Stewart.