Kilpatrick on Bryan Neck

Courtesy of Bryan County Public Works.

Year Erected: 1959

Marker Text: The 3rd Cavalry Division (US) under the command of Brigadier General H.J. Kilpatrick (US) covered the right rear of General Sherman’s army as it closed in on Savannah. On December 12, 1864, Kilpatrick’s cavalry crossed the Ogeechee River near Fort Argyle and the Canoochee River near the town of Court House (now Clyde) on pontoon bridges laid by the 1st Missouri Engineers (US) and moved down Bryan Neck. That night, Kilpatrick made his headquarters at the plantation of Lieutenant Colonel Joseph L. McAllister, 7th Georgia Cavalry (CS), which stood near the river immediately north of this site. On the 13th, Kilpatrick sent Murray’s brigade into Liberty County to scout the country to Sunbury. He ordered Atkins' brigade and the 10th Wisconsin Battery to camp at "Cross Roads" (now Richmond Hill) then, with two of Atkins’ regiments, he moved down Bryan Neck. Approaching Fort McAllister, Kilpatrick skirmished with the Confederate pickets, driving them back to the fort. After examining the approaches to the fort, he moved on to Kilkenny Bluff (8 miles SE) where he was able to make contact with the USS Octorara and forward dispatches to the flagship (US) reporting the arrival of Gen. Sherman’s army at Savannah.

Re-erected in 2022 by the Georgia Historical Society.

Tips for Finding This Site: At intersection of Ga. 144 and Ga. 144 Spur, 5.4 miles east of U.S. 17 in Richmond Hill.