Marker Text*: Having received word that the French and Spanish were exploiting the Indians´ grievances against the Carolina traders and encouraging the Indians to war against the British colonists in Ga., Oglethorpe informed the Trustees that he felt it was necessary to attend a meeting of the Creek Nation at Coweta in 1739. The Chickasaws and Choctaws were also to send delegates to the assembly at the capital town of the Lower Creeks. In this area Oglethorpe met the Indians, hoping not only to prevent an Indian war but secure an alliance of the Indians with England.
Oglethorpe made the journey from Fort Frederica to Coweta accompanied by only a few men. Armed with his power of persuasion and presents for the Indians, however, he received a joyful greeting. The General cemented the friendship Great Britain and the Creeks by the Treaty of Coweta, signed Aug. 21, 1739.
Having made this treaty with the Creeks, Oglethorpe went to Augusta and had further conferences with the Indians. His efforts to remedy their grievances were rewarded by a promise of support if England became involved in conflict with her enemies.
*Marker not in place due to damage or maintenance.