Marker Text: June 10, 1864. The 4th A. C. moved from Mars Hill Ch. to position along this road facing S. toward Pine Mtn.-- highest point between Lost & Kennesaw Mtns. The 14th A. C. was on the left; the 20th on the right.
PIne Mtn. was fortified and held as an outpost of the main Confederate line 1.25 miles S.-- the line that extended from Lost Mtn. to Brushy Mtn.-- June 5-15.
June 14. Generals Johnston, Hardee, & Polk, while observing Federal lines from Pine Mtn., were fired on by 4th & 20th Corps batteries, Gen. Leonidas Polk was killed by a shell.
Tips for Finding This Site: At top of Pine Mountain on Beaumont Rd in Stilesboro.