Polk’s Corps at Dallas and New Hope Church

Year Erected: 1953

polk's-corps-at-dallas-and-new-hope-church-2Marker Text: Lt. Gen. Leonidas Polk's corps which had moved from Allatoona as left flank of Johnston's army [CS] via Lost Mtn. & Mt. Tabor Ch.- reached this vicinity May 24, 1864.

After return of Hardee's A.C. [CS] from Powder Springs (May 25), Polk's troops formed the center of Johnston's line facing the Federal lines to the West.

When deployed, Polk's left was at Wigley's Mill in gap of Ellsberry Mtn.; his center & rt. at & above New Hope Ch. - a position he held in the 10 days of conflict mostly fought on the left & right of the army.

Tips for Finding This Site: Ga 6 Bus at junction with Ga 120/Ga 360