Rough and Ready Tavern

Rough and Ready TavernYear Erected: 1954

*Marker Text: Here stood the Rough and Ready Tavern or Old Bagley House which was at different times a residence, tavern, general store, arsenal & probably headquarters of Gen. Hardee Aug. 30, 1864. To this place, mentioned in "Gone With The Wind," the people of Atlanta were evacuated for further transport south. At Rough & Ready Station on the Macon & Western R. R. stood a water tank & wood shed for the engines. Fed. troops cut the railroad 1 mile below here Aug. 31, 1864, completing the isolation of Atlanta. Timbers from the Tavern, torn down in 1917, serve as sills in the nearby McBrayer house.

*Marker not in place due to damage or maintenance.

Tips for Finding This Site: US 19/41, .1 miles south of the Fulton Co. Line in Mountain View.