Year Erected: 1953
Marker Text: May 19, 1864. The 4th, followed by the 14th A.C. [USA] reached Kingston, 8 a.m. The 4th turned E. to Cassville; a div. of the 14th sent to Gillem's bridge, Etowah River, finding no retreating Confederates, Johnston's forces [CSA] were at Cassville, 5.5 mi. E.
McPherson's 15th and 16th A.C. [USA], moving S. from Barnsley's, camped on Woolley's plantation 2 mi. W; 4th, 20th & 23d A.C. at Cassville.
Sherman's forces in camp to May 23 when advance across the Etowah began. Of the 3 bridges, Milam's, Gillem's & Woolley's, only Milam's was burned by the Confederates.
Tips for Finding This Marker: At the intersection of GA 293 and Hall Station in Kingston.