George Hart and Sonny Seals, authors of Historic Rural Churches of Georgia, with GHS President Dr. W. Todd Groce.
Atlanta, Ga., May 25, 2017 - Georgia Historical Society President and CEO, W. Todd Groce, presented the 2017 Roger K. Warlick Local History Achievement Award for Special Projects to Historic Rural Churches of Georgia during the weekly meeting of the Buckhead Rotary Club on May 22, 2017. On hand to receive the award were George Hart and Sonny Seals, authors of the recent coffee table book, published by University of Georgia Press, featuring photographs and descriptions of churches throughout Georgia.
“GHS is proud to recognize Historic Rural Churches of Georgia for its work on this visually stunning book and for its continued efforts to teach future generations about Georgia history,” said Dr. W. Todd Groce, President, and CEO of the Georgia Historical Society. “These houses of worship were centers of community life for many generations and because of your accomplishment, their stories will continue to live on, even when all who remember them are gone.”
Named for former GHS President Roger K. Warlick, the Local History Achievement Awards are presented annually to members of the GHS Affiliate Chapter Program in recognition of excellence in programming and scholarship by local historical organizations across the state. Nominations for Warlick Awards are accepted in the fall and winter of each year in the categories of programs, exhibits, and special projects.
For more information about the Roger K. Warlick Awards please contact the Georgia Historical Society or visit GeorgiaHistory.com
Georgia Historical Society (GHS) is the premier independent statewide institution responsible for collecting, examining, and teaching Georgia history. GHS houses the oldest and most distinguished collection of materials related exclusively to Georgia history in the nation.
To learn more visit georgiahistory.com.