Hidden Histories, Historical Marker Resource
Battery Hamilton
This Hidden History was created by SCAD student Morgan Eng as part of the SCAD art history department coursework, with guidance from art history professor Holly Goldstein, Ph.D., 2023.
The Battery Hamilton historical marker was dedicated in 2004. View the Battery Hamilton historical marker listing.
- Battery Hamilton Historical Marker, 2023. Courtesy of Morgan Eng.
- McQueen’s Island Historic Trail, Courtesy of Morgan Eng.
- Slaves Picking Cotton in the Fields, d. Courtesy of Oatland Island Wildlife Center; Order of Railway Conductors Home. Courtesy of City of Savannah Municipal Archives on behalf of V. & J. Duncan Antique Maps & Prints; Technical Development Laboratory, 1964. Courtesy of Oatland Island Wildlife Center; Separating Mosquitos, 1955. Courtesy of Oatland Island Wildlife Center; Scientist Studying Petri Dish, n.d. Courtesy of Oatland Island Wildlife Center; Abandoned Gurney, 2007. Courtesy of Tara Jan Parekh; Old Brochure, n.d. Courtesy of Oatland Island Wildlife Center.
- Map Shows Location of Oatland Island, 1974. Courtesy of Savannah Morning News; McQueen’s Island to Oatland Island, 2023. Courtesy of Google Maps.
- GHS 1363, Cletus W. and William P. Bergen architectural drawings, 1907-1975. Georgia Historical Society, Savannah, Georgia. Courtesy of Morgan Eng.
- Order of Railway Conductors Home, n.d. Courtesy of Oatland Island Wildlife Center.
- Original to Oatland Island Wildlife Center, Courtesy of Morgan Eng.
- Tony Cope and Boone, 1981. Courtesy of Oatland Island Wildlife Center; Tony Cope Education and Visitor Center, 2023. Courtesy of Morgan Eng.
- Animals of Oatland Island Wildlife Center, 2023. Courtesy of Morgan Eng.
- Oatland Island Wildlife Center’s Main Building, 2023. Courtesy of Morgan Eng.
As someone who is not a fast reader and is a visual and auditory learner, I retain information much more easily from videos than text. “The History of Oatland Island” is an educational video meant to provide an engaging, alternative, visual and auditory method of learning. Everyone learns in different ways. Most people use a combination of learning styles. Common learning styles are visual, auditory, kinesthetic, reading/writing, and multimodal. Providing a variety of methods and materials can help ensure that everyone has the opportunity to learn in ways that work best for them.
“All About the Guild.” Fiber Guild of the Savannahs, n.d. https://www.fiberguildsav.com/about.
Brown, Brian. “Oatland Island, Savannah.” Vanishing Georgia, April 28, 2015. https://vanishinggeorgia.com/category/oatland-island-ga.
Chandler, Anna. “Oatland Island’s Wild, Wild Life.” Savannah Magazine, November 8, 2018. https://www.savannahmagazine.com/oatland-islands-wild-wild-life.
Christian, Erin. “The Medieval Festival Returns to Oatland Island for Its Third Year.” The Inkwell. September 14, 2006.
“Cockspur and McQueens Islands.” Sherpa Guides, n.d. https://www.sherpaguides.com/georgia/coast/northern_coast/cockspur_mcqueens.html.
Cornish, Timothy, and Morgan Eng. The History of Oatland Island. Interview, May 11, 2023.
“DDT - A Brief History and Status.” United States Environmental Protection Agency, April 3, 2023. https://www.epa.gov/ingredients-used-pesticide-products/ddt-brief-history-and-status.
Georgia Historical Society. “Battery Hamilton.” Georgia Historical Society, June 16, 2014. https://georgiahistory.com/ghmi_marker_updated/battery-hamilton.
GHS 1786, Don Juan McQueen papers, 1779-1803. Georgia Historical Society, Savannah, Georgia.
GHS 0538, John McQueen land deeds and letters, 1765-1791. Georgia Historical Society, Savannah, Georgia.
McNair, Dustin Ray. “Oatland Island: History and Relationship to Savannah.” Armstrong Tour Guide, March 23, 2015. https://armstrongtourguide.wordpress.com/about/hist-3800/savannah-environment/oatland-island-history-and-relationship-to-savannah.
“McQueen’s Island Trail.” Explore Georgia, n.d. https://www.exploregeorgia.org/savannah/outdoors-nature/trails-tours/mcqueens-island-trail.
“McQueen’s Island Trail.” TybeeIsland.com, September 30, 2021. https://www.tybeeisland.com/mcqueens-island-trail.
Miles, Dr. James. “History of Oatland - Part I-VII.” Friends of Oatland News, n.d.
Moorman, Bianca. “Savannah-Chatham School Board Honors Tony Cope, Renames Oatland Island Visitor Center.” Savannah Morning News, December 9, 2021. https://www.savannahnow.com/story/news/2021/12/09/school-board-honors-tony-cope-founder-oatland-island-wildlife-center-savannah-ga/8840266002.
“Oatland Island Education & Visitor Center Dedicated in Honor of Tony Cope.” Savannah-Chatham County Public School System, May 16, 2023. https://www.sccpss.com/Pages/Oatland-Island-Education-&-Visitor-Center-Dedicated-in-Honor-of-Tony-Cope.aspx.
“Oatland Island Visitor Center Named the Tony Cope Education and Visitor Center.” WTOC, May 15, 2023. https://www.wtoc.com/video/2023/05/16/oatland-island-visitor-center-named-tony-cope-education-visitor-center.
“Oatland Island Wildlife Center.” Film Savannah, August 12, 2022. https://www.filmsavannah.org/locations/location-highlights/oatland-island-wildlife-center.
Oatland Island Wildlife Center. “The History of Oatland Island.” Oatland Island Wildlife Center, n.d. https://www.sccpss.com/schools/oatland/Pages/History.aspx.
“Oatland Island Wildlife Center Home Page.” Oatland Island Wildlife Center, n.d. https://www.sccpss.com/schools/oatland/Pages/default.aspx.
Order of Railway Conductors Home (Savannah, GA) Papers #6260m. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives, Cornell University Library.
Parekh, Tara Jan. Oatland Island: Photographs and History. Tara Jan Parekh, 2007.
Pearce, Mallory. “Preserving Oatland.” Connect Savannah, April 21, 2004.
Price, Eugenia. Don Juan McQueen, 1974.
“Renovations Continue at Oatland Island Wildlife Center.” WTOC, July 22, 2009. https://www.wtoc.com/story/10755405/renovations-continue-at-oatland-island-wildlife-center.
Savannah Morning News. “Dr. James W. Miles Obituary.” Savannah Morning News, May 24, 2011. https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/savannah/name/james-miles-obituary?id=19287091.
Short, Dr. Gordon. “Syphilis, the Great Imitator.” Brevis, April 24, 2019. https://www.brevis.com/blog/2019/04/syphilis-the-great-imitator.
Sickler, Linda. “Oatland Island Will Reopen to the Public March 9.” Connect Savannah, March 2, 2001.
Stephens, Nelson T. “International Conductors Dedicate Their New Home Here Tomorrow.” Savannah Morning News, November 9, 1927.
Stramm, Polly Powers. “Tony Cope, Man behind Oatland Island Wildlife Center, Dies.” Savannah Morning News, October 10, 2021. https://www.savannahnow.com/story/news/2021/10/10/tony-cope-creator-oatland-island-wildlife-center-savannah-dies/6082529001.
“Visit Oatland Island Wildlife Center in Savannah Georgia.” N-Georgia.com, April 12, 2020. https://www.n-georgia.com/savannah-oatland-island-wildlife-center.html.
V & J. Duncan Antique Maps & Prints. “Order of Railway Conductors Home, Savannah, Ga.--11.” Savannah Municipal Archives, n.d. http://savannahga.pastperfectonline.com/photo/47E35FDE-8F4A-4670-91AF-601382546713.