Hidden Histories, Historical Marker Resource
Old Savannah Cotton Exchange
![Frances Gootman Fig-11-small 2. Clay, Edward Williams, Artist, and Arthur Donnelly. America / E.W.C. Southern States, ca. 1841. [New York: Publ. by A. Donnelly, no. 19 1/2 Courtland St., N.Y] Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/2003690759/.](https://www.georgiahistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Frances-Gootman-Fig-11-small.jpg)
This Hidden History was created by SCAD student Frances Gootman as part of her SCAD art history department coursework, with guidance from art history professor Holly Goldstein, Ph.D., in 2020.
The Old Savannah Cotton Exchange historical marker was dedicated in 1957. View the Old Savannah Cotton Exchange historical marker listing.